Sunday, December 11, 2011


The O'Hara Celtics wrestling team placed second at Bishop Miege on Saturday, December 10. _____ Winning their weight classes were Chase Scott, Peyton Franklin, Jake Fortin, and Maverick Griffin. _____ Ben Kirse and Tanner Warner also wrestled for the top spots but had to settle for second places. _____ Steven Conway, Jeremy Shaefer and Myles Womack completed their competitions with wins to take third places. _____ Chase Scott won all his matches by pinning his opponents. _____ Miege won the Tournament; other schools competing included Schlage, Turner, Pembroke Hill, Saint Mary's, Saint Pius X, Sherwood, and Sumner. _____ Athletic Director Alan Hull lists the following win-loss records for six Celtics with winning records: Jake Fortin 3-0, Chase Scott 8-1, Tanner Warner 7-1, Steven Conway 8-3, Maverick Griffin 7-3 and Peyton Franklin 7-3._____ ______ Meanwhile all seven wrestlers who went to Harrisonville brought home medals. _____ Tyler Adams, Spencer Mathews, Jayden Hudson, Liam Hogan and Sly Newmam all took silvers for second places. _______ Anthony Irick and Gerard Harker were bronze medalists for thirds. ____ _____ For the Varsity, JV and the freshman teams, O'Hara wrestlers won a total of sixteen medals.

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